Its OK Yall, But first alittle update on life, tomorrow will be two week exactly from finding out i have a gluten allergy and having to go completely gluten free, and let me tell you most of my favorite comfort foods are LOADED with gluten! And its in lots of things you would never think, like shredded cheeses, who would have ever thought shredded cheese?! Any who that is for another post entirely. Last weekend was the first weekend i didnt have anything to do and i planned to get alot done, mainly clean my terrible room and put away the mountain (and i mean mountain) of clothes that has piled up on my desk, however i twisted my knee Friday so i spend that majority of the weekend in bed, which i needed, so i guess my body knew better all along.
Lastly I made an appointment with my hair dresser, my amazing but very expensive one i go to when i doing something major to my hair, shes the only one i trust for major things, Well on Aprill 13th I will be starting the process of going back to my natural color, which is blonde. I have so much dark hair dye in my hair im pretty scarred of the outcome. But i am just preparing for the fact that it will probably take a couple trips to get to the color i want. I pretty nervous though i don't really remember what i looked like blonde, but its so much easier to maintain in the summer.
Its OK for this to be my favorite link up and often the only one i get around to!
Its OK to get a little closer to snapping every time you get yelled at at work
Its Ok to really want to go home because you forgot your medicine this morning but you live 30mins from work so you cant
Its OK to need a vacation before you snap
Its OK to have a ton of stuff sitting on your desk to do but to be currently avoiding it by blogging
Its OK to want a change in life, BIG TIME
Its OK to be thinking of trading in my CRV if gas keeps going up, love my CRV great gas mileage but not with the payment and driving 30mins to work
Its OK to want to go to a bridal shower for a friend tonight but after such a busy week to wish it wasnt on a Thursday, getting off work on Thursday starts my weekend and i want my weekend to start by laying in my bed!
Its OK to have just started a new bible study and are already having a hard time keeping up with it
Its OK that all of this is OK :-)
Please ignore how terrible my style was in sophomore year of high school but this is the only picture on my work computer of me with blonde hair. This is what my hair looked like before i went dark 2 years ago, i wanted a change, i had been blonde all my life so i went dark, but now im ready for another change...i think!
its totally ok to want a vacay! i feel ya on the gas prices too girl! its killing me big time. much rather spend that money on shoes:)