Wednesday, February 2, 2011


{one} what was your favorite sitcom growing up?
Im not sure i knew what one was but i loved the brady bunch 
and the one with Susan Summers
Anyone know what the name was?

{two} what song always makes you happy when you hear it?
Geez um My Kind of Party by Jason Alden

{three} do you still have your wisdom teeth?
i do. although i don't for much longer, they hurt and are growing 
wrong but i'm terrified of the surgery.

{four} what is your go to way to relax?
usually either outdoors or curled up under my covers watching a favorite show

{five} do you play any instruments?
does my ipod count?

{six} nude beaches: yes or no?
no. no. no.

{seven} do you chew your pens/pencils?
 I have chewed pens on occasion. Ive always loved to chew on plastic
Its really a problem!

 {eight} can you change the oil in your car?
no. i can ADD oil to my car, i know the concept of changing it but ive never actually done it

{nine} can you curl your tongue?

{ten} can you knit or crochet?
                              no i wish i could though. a friend is actually suppose to teach me.